Sunday 24 November 2013

Where on Earth...?

Keeping an eye on things

I got a fright last night as I was getting ready for bed. It was just after midnight and I had decided against watching “Walking Dead”, mainly as I am a scaredy cat and prefer watching scary things in the daylight. Years ago I would never even have dreamed of watching such stuff but I think my children are a bad influence on me. Anyway, as I sat down on the edge of the bed, something winked at me from just under the edge of the chest of drawers. I didn’t have my glasses on at this point and assumed it was a bit of silver paper of some similar thing glinting in the light. So on went my glasses so I could check it out.  I jumped out of my skin when I saw what looked like an eye glaring up at me. Now I was feeling a little squeamish at this point as I know the cats have been bringing in various creatures in different states of disassembly, although mostly whole to be honest.  I steeled my self expecting who knows what and reached out to pick it up. I half expected it to be cold and slimy. Well it was cold but it turned out to be a glass eye stud, I can only assume, from some toy of some sort.  I have to admit to being a little perplexed and unsettled , to say the least, as I went to sleep. Stranger still, this afternoon  I asked Sam and Iain and it seems none of Alexander’s toys are missing an eye and neither is Sadie’s toy puppy. So where on earth it came from I have no idea!

Playing Cat and Mouse

A little mouse visiting North Wald Self Catering on Orkney.
I saw a mouse!

As I mentioned the cats are bringing in more and more rodents at the moment. It started out with mostly voles, then mice and then baby mice.  They seem to kill the adults straight away but like to play with the young ones. A real cat and mouse game. They let it run away then pounce on it. If it stops then they slide towards it and you can almost hear them meowing “Oh come on…I’ll give you a head start”. Then they pat it’s behind or give it a nudge. Last night Lily brought a young mouse into the bedroom and proceeded to play with it. We think it got away under the bed as she was in there for hours hunting for it. Then during the night first one then the other of the cats were haring about the house in hot pursuit of something. Really annoying when trying to get back to sleep after having nightmares about disembodied eyes coming out of the woodwork and staring at you. This morning there was no sign of mice, dead or otherwise, anywhere to be seen. Then this afternoon one appeared in the kitchen running out and back from the side of the fridge. We watched it for a while expecting one of the cats or the dog to snatch it up. None of them obliged us. What do they think their job is? Eventually we realised that it was probably blind as it ran out into the middle of the floor and then came straight towards us as if we were not even there. Frankie simply picked it up and it sat there quietly in his hand. In shock I suppose. Oh well at least it is no longer in the house and being subjected to Lily’s games.

Fresh Veg again

The weather has improved along with my health and, with the water levels finally receding enough, it is now safe to dig tatties again, with out a crane on standby to heave you out of the mud. Frankie dug up a whole load while I harvested some carrots, onions, turnips, swedes, sprouts, cabbage and leeks. It was so nice to have fresh veg for tea again especially with slow roast South Wald lamb shoulder.  Loads more left for later in the week as well.

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