Saturday 23 November 2013

A New Guest?

ATup came to visit North Wald Self Catering Caravan on Orkney today.
A Runaway Ram who came for a visit.

Our Guest

We had a short visit from an escapee this morning.

One of Neighbour’s tups  decided to check out the accommodation available in the caravan. We knew some sheep had been moved this morning as we had taken Sadie in so she wasn't tempted to help out in any way. I am sure the Farmer would not have appreciated her joining in.

Once we thought he was sufficiently far enough away we carried on with the task in hand, which was to move the cage, with the five chicks, from the porch to the hen house. Just as we rounded the corner of the building, with the cage swinging precariously between us, Hubby called out to me to look up and ahead. I was busy, gingerly watching my feet, afraid of snagging my foot in a tussock of grass again, or catching the cage on my wellies, and falling flat on my face and having a cage full of chicks and chicken poop landing right on top of me.

There he was, in the small yard area at the back of the caravan,  feet planted firmly down and facing us, just daring us to get closer. Not wishing to add to my current collection of bruises I promptly packed Hubby off to let the Farmer know he was minus a tup. I must admit he didn't move much (the tup) except for turning around a bit, we just stared each other out for a while.  Hubby thinks he must have thought he was in a pen of some sort.

He is now safely ensconced back home and none the worse for his little adventure -  I hope.

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