Friday 6 December 2013

The Joys of Winter at North Wald Self Catering on Orkney

Eeek it must have been cold last night – still is.  

Even the gas pipes, or regulator, was frozen as, when I turned the cooker on, all I got was a feeble little flame that wouldn’t have cooked anything in under an hour. Thankfully, when I tried a little later it had improved dramatically and when left on got back to almost normal in a few minutes. Phewww! Thought I was in for a cold lunch there.

Thick ice on the ducks bath.
Thick Ice

The ice on the ducks bath was really thick. I have never seen it so thick before. 

Our Muscovy ducks enjoying a warm drink
Thankful for a warm drink

The waterers both inside and outside were all frozen solid. I put some warm water in them and all the hens and ducks got stuck straight into it. 

The polytunnel has suffered badly. I am quite worried about it. It provides so much of our veg in the summer. I am not sure what to do next.  Two of the hoops have sheared through and are poking through the polythene. This means that it is not just a case of replacing the polythene but replacing the broken hoops as well. A lot more of the hoops have buckled as well. Sad day!

Sadie is loving the snow and hares around possessed whenever I go outside, something I am trying to avoid as much as possible. I managed to get my hands wet this morning while dealing with the waterers and I thought I had frost bite in my fingers after only a couple of minutes it was so cold.

The storm does not appear to have done any more damage, anywhere that I can see, so I am thankful for that. The barn doors have been blown inwards at an awkward angle and frozen solid in that position. I can not move them at all. I had braced them with extra weight yesterday to try and stop that happening but it was to no avail. That was a scary task in itself with the wind howling and battering directly against them.

I had to drive into Kirkwall yesterday during the gale. Quite an experience! It was high tide at the time and it is very unnerving when the waves are breaking and spraying right over the road. Going over the bridge at Finstown Ouse is also hair raising when the water levels are so high.  On the way back the sleet and hail had made the roads treacherous and it was a real white knuckle drive home. I was just glad to get back safely.

Well I can honestly say life here on Orkney is not boring.

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