Monday 16 December 2013

North Wald Self Catering on Orkney Disaster Averted – Hopefully

Two hoops sheared through on the polytunnel

The Tunnel

The wind has been almost constant lately which has made it very difficult to make some repairs to the polytunnel.

It turned out that not only were two of the hoops sheared near the top but one was also sheared through at ground level on the opposite side.  The whole tunnel has a pronounced lean towards Kirkwall. With a lot of huffing and puffing, and one or two outbursts of less than polite language, we managed between us to get things sorted. We drove a short metal rod down inside the sheared foundation tube before threading on piece of pipe sheathing and lifting the hoop back into place. The top of the hoops were also sheathed in piping but we had to remove one of the cross bars to get the hoop lined back up. To get it back in alignment I had to hang off the bar then heave it as high as possible for a few seconds while Frankie lined up and threaded in the bolt (that was when the suspect language came into play). Then all we had to do was secure the pipes in place with tape and screws. I did manage to patch the plastic as well but only on the inside as it was too wet to attempt the outside. So far it has survived another gale which blew in from the opposite direction and actually managed to straighten the tunnel up a bit. More gales due soon so let’s hope it survives.

Polytunnel hoop sheathed in pipe to strengthen it.

The Chickens

Meanwhile we are beginning to drown in a sea of eggs. A new record today 17 eggs! Wow. They really do seem to be liking their new quarters. The chickens seem to have gone into overdrive and no matter how many we eat the pile in the porch is growing daily.  For some reason I had a picture in my mind of my dad telling me they could lay them faster than we could eat them. I assume coming from hearing him tell my brothers, in admonition, that they (the brewers) could brew beer faster than they (my brothers) could sup it. 

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